Fast Lane

Yes! Invitations are on the last leg. We are serious this time! They should be mailed today, the ones that are being mailed. (Which sits at 101). The rest we are going to do our best to hand deliver (another 100, roughly, give or take) by the end of the week.

Big Girl Drs Appointment... Do I care to comment? lol Ah Spencer,  I love you.
It wasn't that big of a deal! Usually, new things scare me, and I do my little girl dance of "I don't waaaant to!". I think Spencer is just bragging by telling about it because there was no little girl dance. I put my Big Girl Panties on and went, and it wasn't that big of a deal. (The joke of "Why put your Big Girl Panties on if you are just going to take them off?" circulated my household that day.) If it weren't a doctor, it would have been weird. But he was cool, no big deal!

Moving forward. We kind of let time get away from us. After postponing the wedding a semester due to scheduling conflicts, etc., we are back on top of things! We thought "Ugh, that's so far away! Oh well, at least we aren't stressing out anymore", and we let time slip away a bit!.

We are on track, though, and working hard! For being a wanna-be exercise-guru,my goal is to get everything done in April that we can, and use May to focus on us! We were kind of doing P90X earlier this year but... I take the fault in use quitting. Whenever I start to exercise, I forget to start slowly, and my immune system doesn't like it and I usually get sick one way or the other. Then I just got lazy. So in May, we are starting up May Madness again! I think we need a different name, that was for May 2009. ...Oh, I think we are calling it Bring It, May , BIM for short.

Well, take care, and expect invities within the next couple of days or so for those out of state.