The Proposal

I had been trying to figure out how to ask Samm for such a long time and I couldn't come up with anything legit. On top of that, everything I thought up and tried to take Samm out to ask her, she wasn't in the mood or didn't feel good or some other excuse. 

I had things like taking her to her favorite park to picnic, I tried to get in touch with the operator of the video board at one of the stadiums we went to to watch a game, and we almost went up to the peak of the mountain while we were in Albuquerque. NOTHING. I was kind of getting tired of always carrying around the ring.

About the ring. Kind of a side note, I had gotten the ring but didn't know her exact ring size. I tried being smooth by checking out some of her rings and see which one fit the best on her finger. Again, I got nothing. I even started asking her (she already had her suspicions so I just didn't even try to hide it). I had it sized the afternoon before we went to Albuquerque and I was trying to propose that weekend. Like I said above, nothing worked. Anyways, I decided to just wing it, much like with our first kiss.

We both love sports, we both love football, and we both love Texas Tech. Texas Tech hosted Texas this past weekend and this is a big deal here. Students started camping out Sunday afternoon to secure their spots. After Monday, the number of student camping had already gotten over 800. I wanted to camp out for this, and Samm was just as excited as I was so we set up our tent Tuesday night. We had to check-in twice a day and at the end of the week, we were going to be arranged according to how many times we had checked in. Anyways, check-in was usually at 11 p.m. and then at 4 a.m. and with as many people were out there and as rowdy as they were, there wasn't much sleeping going on, just napping. Anyways, Tuesday night, we're settling in and we start talking about our relationship. I had the ring on me, of course, and I saw an opportunity.

I was telling her how much I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and how much I loved her. I pulled the ring out of my pocket, but still out of sight, and was starting to tell her that I had something for her that she had been waiting on for some time. I said something along the lines of that this thing that I had for her came with conditions: that she would love me forever and ever, even when I'm being a pooper. Then I told her that I will always love her and gave her the ring.

I was actually more nervous about the ring actually fitting than the whole part of finding what to say and saying it. Luckily for both of us, the ring fit perfectly! We were engaged on September 14.

Now comes all the crazy wedding planning!!


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